Understanding Trauma Therapy Treatment Options

Understanding Trauma Therapy Treatment Options

Introduction In my years of practice, I’ve come to understand that the journey through trauma is profoundly personal. The fabric of each individual’s experience is woven with unique threads – biological, psychological, environmental, and beyond. As...
What is Brainspotting?

What is Brainspotting?

The Essence of Brainspotting “Where you look affects how you feel…” – Dr. David Grand. We’re excited to introduce Brainspotting (BSP) therapy, a cutting-edge approach to trauma treatment now available at our practice. BSP leverages the power of our gaze to unearth and...
You Need to Dig Deep Before You Can Grow

You Need to Dig Deep Before You Can Grow

“To live oneself means: to be one’s own task. Never say that it is a pleasure to be oneself. It will be no joy but a long suffering, since you must become your own creator. If you want to create yourself, then you do not begin with the best and the highest, but with...